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About us
Welcome to
St. Mary's Senior Secondary School, Rudrapur
Bishop Anthony Fernandes invited the Congregation of the sisters of St. Ann of Providence to open a community of sisters. A plot of land was bought in 1991. In the same year, Sister opened a school in a temporary shed. On 8th December, the foundation stone was laid for the Convent building. It was completed and inaugurated on the 23rd October, 1992.

Sr. Priya Carval






We the congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann of providence sow the Humanity all over the world especially through Education. We began our life in the year 1834 at Turin, in Italy. We have over 100 Educational Institutions in India like autonomous colleges, Professional Institution, B.Ed. Colleges and schools in English Medium as well as vernacular languages. We live in an interdependent and composite world that is changing at an exceptional pace. Preparing our children to succeed in this defying environment demands an elastic and real world based approach to education. We provide a place where a child is nurtured intellectually, psychologically and spiritually and helped to unfold..


Dear Parents, students and well-wishers of St. Mary's Senior Secondary School, Rudrapur my prayerful greetings to all of you. First and foremost, I would like to express my deep sentiments of gratitude to each and everyone for your constant support, love and concern towards this institute which enables and encourages us to strive hard to carry forward the mission of spreading value based knowledge to one and all. Everyone is born with an urge to create. It is an essential part of our life. Be it parents trying to calm down a crying baby or teachers encouraging learning by raising a student's curiosity. We all have dreams and we work to make those dreams come true

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Thought of The Day
Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. Rabindranath Tagore.

Toppers (2023-24)