Manager's Message

We the congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann of providence sow the Humanity all over the world especially through Education. We began our life in the year 1834 at Turin, in Italy. We have over 100 Educational Institutions in India like autonomous colleges, Professional Institution, B.Ed. Colleges and schools in English Medium as well as vernacular languages.
We live in an interdependent and composite world that is changing at an exceptional pace. Preparing our children to succeed in this defying environment demands an elastic and real world based approach to education.
We provide a place where a child is nurtured intellectually, psychologically and spiritually and helped to unfold his/her inner and external capabilities and is also further helped to discover the real interest, passion and ultimately, the purpose of life.
Indeed, it requires a special effort that can turn learning into a life-long journey of enquiry and discovery, resulting in knowledge that forms the base of growth and development as in the era of knowledge and skill-based competition, the growth of our nation will depend on how best we can raise and use our intellectual capital towards the development of the same.
We provide a plethora of activities for the judicious all-round development of youthful energy, properly directed towards creativity and self-actualization. Apart knowledge we strive to hone the skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are essential for a productive, successful and happy life. We recognize that these goals are best achieved when the school provides an environment in which all stakeholders develop and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional and social needs of all children.
May God bless you all with peace and prosperity and reward your noble actions with the unending bliss.
Sr. Philomena D' Costa