Attendance & Leave
As regular attendance is an important element for successful work, leave of absence should invariably be obtained in advance in writing. For serious reasons as in the case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances the student, on returning to the school, must have reason of absence certified by his/her parent/guardian in the absence of Record page of the calendar. The teacher in charge of the class may not admit the student to class unless the leave note is countersigned by the Principal, or one in charge is produced. Application for leave should be briefly written in the school diary against the corresponding date.
A student who is late without prior permission will not be admitted to the class unless the reason is recorded, on the relevant page of the diary by the parent.
Parents are requested not to require their children to come away from school before the school gives over.
No pupil is allowed to go home, during the class hours unless a duly authorized person comes to take him/her with a letter from the parents.
No child suffering from contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend the school.
The names of the students who are absent continually for a month without a notice is liable to be struck off the roll.
Irregular attendance, habitual misbehavior and in subordination to teachers or any kind of cheating or serious misconduct, even outside the school premises will be deemed sufficient reason for the dismissal of the pupil.
Children who are ill should not be sent to school to attend class or answer the test. III health affects the pupil's performance and may also spread contagion.
Students who absent themselves from school for a Period of fifteen days (or less depending on the situation) and specially after the reopening without prior sanction of leave or timely intimation to the school In case of emergency, are liable to have their names dropped from the rolls.